Rays of sun in the Pian Grande of Castelluccio
“Everyone stands alone at the heart of the world, pierced by a ray of sunlight, and it’s suddenly evening” (Salvatore Quasimodo)
There are magical places, who can surprise us at all times and that give to the existence unforgettable moments to live in one breath. The grand plain of Castelluccio everywhere you looks flashes of absolute beauty escape to reappear in all their fleeting splendor. Light, life, moments who pierce the soul and that warm the heart. Moments quickly distant. And behind the clouds, in the darkness of the night, the memory of that distant moment: the joy and the pain.
This photo was taken at the precise moment when a ray of sun went down over the pine forest of Castelluccio. I walked in the opposite direction but glancing back i intercepted the scenario and, fortunately before it was over, was able to catch him.